Happy New Year to All!! After a hectic December, we were so glad to get away from it all and join our friends and some of our family in the desert. The weather was outstanding, the crowds were light and we just relaxed. aaaahhh.

Our good friends the Brown's have a 40' Diesel Pusher and pull a trailer loaded with two quads, a Jeep Wrangler and wood and water. They had a front tire blow out about 15 miles from where we camp and went over a 30' embankment. Luckily, no one was hurt (their son was on the toilet!) and after the wrecker pulled them out and changed the tire, they were able to join us. Even the slides still worked. Could have been a catastrophe, but they were blessed.

The kids relaxing with all of my bowls and some spoons. They can spend hours digging and creating, kind of like when I was young. Nothing fancy except their imagination.

Kimber found another use for the dune buggy - it moonlights as a jungle gym.

Kimber and Buddy, ready for a ride. She liked going slowly around the valley and for short rides, but the speed and bumps and long desert rides were too much for her.

Kimber found the drawer with all of the cold weather stuff in it. These are very soft polar fleece neck warmers. Other then length, they fit her pretty well.

Becky on her blue YZ250, cut down for her size, in the lead. That's the old plank road behind them that the pioneers built in the late 1800's to get across the desert. The Chocolate mountains are to the east. I can't imagine struggling to climb the mountains, only to reach the peak and see sand until the next mountain range about 70 miles away. The dunes are 90+ miles long and 3-4 miles wide and go into Mexico just below where we are. At the very top of sand in the picture is a faint dark line. That's the incredible border fence that goes for miles.

Becky's new (to her) Weekend Warrior and her boyfriends pit bull. The RV is nice and so is the dog, but I wouldn't have one (the dog that is). He is all muscle.

Tami's boyfriend Jacob's buggy jumping down a hill. Kimber was sitting safely next to me playing in the sand at the top of the hill until they were done having fun. The Border Patrol sits on top of the hill watching just across the valley.
We got home in time to see the Chargers beat the Colts in the playoffs. WooHoo!!!
Took the decorations down. They are so wonderful when I put them up, but after a month, it's so nice to pack them away for another year.
It took until today to catch up in the office and in Young Women's, but now I'm ready to tackle the next huge projects. My friend says I must enjoy being busy, because I create it for myself. I'm not sure about that, but I don't know what I would do if I had nothing to do. I'd probably keep myself busy! Love to all.