Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hope everyone's Christmas was Merry and Bright. Ours was fabulous! Lots of family, lots of food, lots of well chosen gifts, all embraced in thanks and joy for our blessings.

Here's our tree before the melee began. Looks pretty nice, huh? It didn't last long.

Janey got an exersaucer and spent a good deal of time laughing and talking from an upright position. I don't remember them when my kids were small, but she sure is loving it.

Kimber was one of the presents under the tree. She was very good, very patient, and very in love with presents and sweets! Tomorrow she returns to reality. Don and I will be leaving for our traditional New Years in the desert.

Joeseph, Julie, Janey, Becky and Bryce hanging out. This is Saturday evening - as wonderful as the holidays are - three days of feasting and fun and it's time for a rest.

Julie and Donnie in our family room, looking into the kitchen
Don, Kimber, Janey and Tami relaxing.

Sean, Lauren, Courtney and Joseph on Saturday.

A good time was had by all. More later.