Sunday, April 12, 2009

Beautiful Spring-Sun and Sand

Happy Easter, Beautiful Spring, Wonderful Conference!

Kimber really made out this Easter. New bathing suit, sunglasses, purse and ears. Quite an eye catching outfit as she descended the stairs into the sun and sand at the dunes

She does have a significant other in our group of desert friends. Since they are the only two younger then 13, they tend to hang together. When she hears that we're going to the dunes, she has to go to "her Matthew", age 7. He knows the rules, keeps her safe and we don't have to watch her every minute.

Because of the danger to the little kids (and the big ones) on quads, most of our friends have small, two seater buggies for their younger kids. Here's Kimber, Matt, and Sammy (2) in Matt's sister's buggy. He can't drive it but they have fun sitting in it and being driven by other people.

We were in the desert for Easter, so had our family dinner last week-end. Julie and family came over to enjoy strawberries and waffles and Conference with us. Kimber and Janey played happily for the most part - unless Kimber starting mothering too much. Guess it's the xx chromosome for Kimber and independence for Janey.

We had delicious Honey Baked ham for dinner and all the kids came, plus a couple of other people from church. Just like old times. We hadn't had HB ham for YEARS and it was GOOD!.

Julie, Janey and Kimber enjoying the Conference break.

For those of you still buried in snow, this is next to our front door. They seem to like it there, protected from the sun and wind.

Here are our banks. I find it so amazing that the flowers open huge to the sun. But if it's too windy or not warm enough, even if the sun is shining, they only open partially or not at all. Anyone who doesn't see a Divine hand in Creation needs to examine nature.

We live next door to 400 acre Deer Park Monastery. There are about 30 Vietnamese Buddhist Monks and Nuns that live there full time. On my walks I pass through some of their land. It has a real feel of peace. As it gets warmer and we open the windows, we can faintly hear their bell in the distance. They get up at 5:00 am and begin morning meditation at 5:45. Since they are to the east of us, I've told them that in case of a wildfire I expect that our combined prayers will divert the fire. I feel well protected. This is Don and the Abbott. Those I've met are happy, gentle souls with an air of serenity that isn't found much in the western world.


laura said...

Kimber and Janey are so cute. And it is great to see Julie.
I just love CA weather and the beautiful flowers that it brings. And how amazing to live next to monks. Fascinating lifestyle. I would be tempted to slip away to their land for some peace ever once in a while.

Sue said...

What a fun Easter! How great to have such good friends. I love the pictures of Kimber, Janey and your yard. The girls are really growing!